Although the condition of a wood-framed home
is largely related to continued, conscientious maintenance (or lack
of), provided by the homeowner (s), hidden damage may exist from
unknown activity of wood destroying insects. Several species of
wood destroying insects exist, i.e., carpenter ants, various
beetles, etc.; however, subterranean or ground nesting termites are
by far the most destructive insect pests of wood.
The economic importance of the termite with
regard to buildings arises from the fact that wood members of a
building closest to the soil and, therefore, the most likely to be
severely damaged by the termites, are usually the sills, joists,
studs, girders, and other important load-bearing elements of
construction. Failure to stop a termite attack can result in such
loss of support that other forms of deterioration such as sagging
walls and/or floors and damaged window and door frames can occur.
Due to the hidden nature of termites and the
favorable conditions for existence in Connecticut, annual
inspections are recommended for all homes.